We do our due diligence in compliance with the meaning of the term, as a comprehensive audit of the property and the area the property is located in.
Our due diligence is primarily technical and investment (financial). The expertise and breadth of experience enable us to be equally successful in engineering, economic, legal, IT, environmental, and other knowledge. The interaction of this knowledge leads to the discovery, filtering and selection of essential information.
We start by obtaining information available from the client. In addition to working in the office, we visit the facility and site, registers and venues of storage of archives and other necessary information.
We present the results of the research in the form of a report. Our particular service – lender’s supervision – also includes a type of due diligence report.
The goal of Oktopaz is to provide clients with accurate information necessary for making business decisions.
When the client plans to purchase or lease land or a facility, we focus on a cost-benefit analysis of the potential acquisition. Our due diligence on the condition of the facility or location requires answers to several questions. What factors affect the price and terms of the contract? Are there hidden costs and obligations, definite only after the purchase? What is the history of the site in terms of environmental risks? What are the benefits and risks of future real estate development or facility management?
Our due diligence on the financial, operational, strategic and environmental aspects of a facility or site allows clients – lenders and developers – to choose the right purchase or lease at a fair price.
When it comes to analysing a building or site owned by the client, we review the legal, investment and technical aspects of the present condition and potential development of the property. It may include obtaining information from the competent authorities for reconstruction, adaptation, or renovation of the facility. We organise geological, geodetic, environmental [1] and other testing per the client’s requirements. We answer the following questions:
- What is the physical condition of the facility?
- What is the load-bearing capacity and durability of the building?
- What is the state of architectural and construction elements?
- What is the condition of utilities and equipment?
- What is the state of fire safety?
- What is the condition of parking, access and internal roads?
- Is the as-built documentation of the constructed facility available?
We focus investment analysis on operating costs (OPEX) and capital investment and maintenance costs (CAPEX). We provide an overview and analysis of OPEX in a particular prior period. We analyse energy efficiency and energy passport. We provide an overview of CAPEX in a given period and a plan for the next period. We conclude with our opinions and recommendations.
Oktopaz’s due diligence results in a comprehensive report with relevant and accurate information, allowing clients to make the right business decisions regarding real estate development.
- Law on Environmental Impact Assessment (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, Nos. 135/2004 and 36/2009)